Monday, January 25, 2010

Tyler Perry and Black America

Ever since Tyler Perru hit big in 1998, there's been an interesting dynamic between him and Black America. Some Blacks love Tyler Perry and Madea and some thing he's one of the signs of the end of times. Is Tyler Perry's writing Shakespeare worthy? No, but he does what really successful people do, they find a niche and run with it. Look at Beyonce', she's about a 7 on the scale on singers but she has a niche and that's women. You could probably find someone who can interview better than Oprah, but she has a niche. Tyler perry has a niche. He has down home plays that are funny. Many people say that he appeals to "lowly blacks" and upper class blacks are "too educated" to like him. Whatever.
It's called en-ter-tain-ment. Get it. That means it's not that serious. Is Tyler Perry trying to save black america or run for president? No, he's trying to entertain us with his plays, movies, and TV shows. How is Tyler Perry destroying Black america? Someone tell me so I can figure it out. I love Madea. I think she's funny, witty, and the grandmother we all secretly want. Even though Tyler Perry's plays are very repetitive, we all know the story: someone is living with madea, someone is breaking up, someone is getting together, the rich guy is the bad guy, the poor guy is the good guy and someone is pissing Madea off. That's how it goes. And if you're an avid fan, you can usually pin point lines from his book or other plays/movies. Tyler Perry is not rocket science. Like I said, he's entertaining. You go to theatre, movie, or turn on your TV for 2-3 hours, or a half hour, laugh, and go back to your life. How is that destroying black america?
Whenever a Tyler Perry project comes out, I want to see it and support him. I even want to be in one of his projects (that's one of the things on my list of things to do while I'm alive).

A few weeks ago, Spike Lee said some pretty offsetting things about Tyler Perry, here is the quote because I am too lazy to write it all again:
“We’ve had this discussion back and forth. When John Singleton [made 'Boyz in the Hood'], people came out to see it. But when he did ‘Rosewood,’ nobody showed up. So a lot of this is on us! You vote with your pocketbook, your wallet. You vote with your time sitting in front of the idiot box, and [Tyler Perry] has a huge audience. We shouldn’t think that Tyler Perry is going to make the same film that I am going to make, or that John Singleton or my cousin Malcolm Lee [would make]. As African-Americans, we’re not one monolithic group, so there is room for all of that. But at the same time, for me, the imaging is troubling and it harkens back to ‘Amos n’ Andy.’”
“Each artist should be allowed to pursue their artistic endeavors, but I still think there is a lot of stuff out today that is coonery and buffoonery. I know it’s making a lot of money and breaking records, but we can do better. … I am a huge basketball fan, and when I watch the games on TNT, I see these two ads for these two shows (Tyler Perry’s “Meet the Browns” and “House of Payne”), and I am scratching my head. We got a black president, and we going back to Mantan Moreland and Sleep ‘n’ Eat?

I believe that black film makers are jealous. Yes, I said it. Spike Lee is jealous. Why is he jealous? People just say that to defend someone else. Look at it like this, Tyler Perry has had a meterioric rise. He went from being homeless in 1998, to being worth over $400 million dollars and the most accomplished black playwright ever in little over a decade. No other black author, writer, director, actor, producer, or playwright has done that in history. What other black director can call Oprah and have her drop whatever she's doing? Spike Lee and John Singleton can't. They're jealous. It's simple.To be frank, if I was in their shoes,  I would be too. Look at all the struggling black directors who can't get a quality piece of work to be seen by directors, but Tyler Perry makes millions off of recycled work. You know what they say, if you can't beat him, join him. Lee Daniels did and his film is doing very well for itself. Also, if you don't like it, save your money and see something else.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Battle of Shame: Black people vs. italians


Ever since Flavor Flav first popped up on VH1 with his viking horns and oversized clock, frankly looking like someone that escaped from Sheppard Pratt, Black people have hid their faces in shame. It was like we are already represented as fools and here comes this gremlin looking man eating chicken during his confessionals. It may seem like I have a vendetta against Flavor Flav but I don't, just stating the facts. Once Flavor Flav faded back into obscurity, we had to deal with BET images and New York and her crazy mother. There are very few positive images of Blacks on TV. Either we're slamming each other like savages, shooting in south central, looking for love on a mock reality show, or on BET popping bottles on a girl with an oversized behind. Now Black women are eternally single. Great, things just keep getting better. Also, the criticism was never directed at the producers or the show but always the race. Other races were like"see I told you they acted like that." It's so bad that Chinese restaurant owners in Northern New Jersey are telling black people that they get chicken, no matter what they order.

I see all that to say, I am happy that the focus is no longer on us or our stereotypes because Italians are mad at Jersey shore. Now, I have more experience with Black stereotypes because I'm Black and I live in Randallstown, which is the mecca of black people in Baltimore County. Also, I have little experience with Italians, or white people as a whole except working for a few months in Carroll County where I was the only full blooded black person. But watching Jersey Shore made me happy I'm not Italian.

The MTV series, which wrapped last night, was reran all day and I saw a few episodes and it's interesting. The people on this show call themselves Guido and Guidettes, which according to several Italian websites is the same as the n-word. Wow. I don't feel like putting the entire Guido definition here because it's too long, but here's the link: Like I said, Italians aren't happy because it plays into every Italian stereotype. Some of them are spoiled children with gelled hair, bad manner, and fist pumping. Okay I guess. At least they aren't making pizzas and pretending to be mob bosses.

So who has it worse? Blacks or Italians.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let's talk about Pep

I really need them to stop with these reality shows because I feel like I've seen this show before. Let's talk about Pep is a dating show without the mansion and 15-20 models/actors looking for their big break, I mean contestants. Pep and her friends, Jacque from BET news anchor, Kittie a voiceover actress, and Joumana, journalist and ex-wife of Jason Kidd. Meet for brunch to recap their dating adventures. I actually like the concept, when there's no cameras around. Black women do it all the time. Yes men, we talk about you, what you wore, what you said, how you said, how you walked, everything but this show is a little too intimate for me. We have scenes of toe sucking, hot tub scenes, and talk of sperm donation. This is stuff that should stay personal. Also, do we need to know that Pep hasn't had sex in four years. How about we keep that to ourselves. Other than my personal hang ups about the show, I actually watch this show and will be tuning in next week.

The Rundown: Fantastia For Real

American Idol winner Fantasia premiered her new reality show: Fantasia For Real on VH1 last night and I still don't know how to feel about it. The show is decent but it's still pretty boring. Fantasia takes care of her two brothers, mother, her daughter, and herself. The worst of them all is her 28 year-old brother Teeny who is a musician who is not producing any fruits. As if that wasn't bad enough, Teeny drives two cars and is planning on getting a  red ferrari but does not plan on getting a job anytime soon. That's wanting crystal on a water budget, or someone else's budget. I also wonder about Fantasia's other brother because little was said about him. I'm sure he doesn't have a job either. I think Teeny makes the show because without his antics, the show is not worth watching. Grade: B-

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What's really good: domestic violence already?

We're not even a week into 2010 and already a celebrity was arrested for beating a girlfriend up. J-Boog, formerly of B2K, was arrested yesterday after cries were heard from his L.A. home. Six patrol cars came to the property and he was arrested and booked on 'corporal punishment on a spouse'. I.e. beating his girlfriend, and mother of his two kids, up. Everyone knows that when the police call for back up, you're going to jail. He also had several driving related warrants issued for his arrest.

Wow. I've heard he had a rough life before but this is wow. Domestic violence is the norm now. Women get beat up everyday and people turn a blind eye to it. I also have a feeling that this isn't first time he hit her.  Nevertheless, I don't know him nor do I know her and pray that they find the best solution for their kids. Who knows what goes on in their relationship, so who am I to judge?

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hi guys. I'm interviewing Mullage today and their manager gave me a link to their music and pictures.:

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Blank Stare of theYear: Gas Stations with No Gas

Yesterday, as I heading home from my part time job at Arundel Mills, I decided to stop by the local Exxon station right where I normally turn to go to 100. Nothing out of the ordinary, just feeding Reddy. So I get to the station and not one pump had gas. Not one. I was amazed and appalled at the same time. That's bad business. My Dad owns a store in New Jersey called Roselle Health Plus and he is always stocked because if he doesn't have it, someone else will and that's money out the door. We're in business to make money not to lose it. If you're a gas station that means you sell one thing, gas and if you don't have gas, you don't have a business and if you don't have a business, you don't have a living. I don't care if you have to go to the gulf coast and ship the gas yourself, you should always have gas. So, I left Arundel Mills, came to Owings Mills went to Forever 21 for shirts and decided to try that Exxon, I don't know why I was so bent on having Exxon in my tank because I'm usually BP or Royal Farms but Exxon was right there each time I went for gas. So I went to this Exxon station in Owings Mills and tried to use my card to pay and everytime I went for credit, it cancelled my transaction, which is a little fishy I have to watch my bank card. I didn't have time for foolishness, so I got in my car and went home. I finally got my gas from an Exxon on Marriottsville road. Sorry BP and Shell, Exxon is more convenient.

I thought this was funny because this is how I feel everytime I pump liquid exploitation, I mean gas, into Reddy. Why is Gas so expensive if it's only $60 a barrell, which means it should only be a dollar and some change? Don't get mad at me, I'm just saying/

"Welcome to 2010"

I just want to take this moment to wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2010.