Monday, December 21, 2009

"My Weekend at the Movies"

If you live anywhere on the east coast, you know that we had a blizzard. If you know me, you know that red Honda was not leaving the house. So what's a girl to do when she's trapped in the house for 48 hours. Watch movies!!! That's exactly what I did. I watched at least three movies this weekend and here is the Rundown of those and the other movies I've recently viewed.

This is It: I know the movie has out for over two months but I took my time seeing it. The movie itself wasn’t bad but when I watched it I couldn’t get over Michael Jackson’s appearance. He was very frail and thin and if they ever decided to bring back Tales from the Crypt and Michael fell on hard times, he would have been the perfect stand in for the Crypt Keeper. Seriously the man didn’t look human. I also heard the cash register ringing the entire time. It was great watching Michael create the tour but we all know it was about AIG recouping the $200 million they spent on the tour. My favorite line in the movie: “That’s good but I want it the way I wrote it.”

Precious: based on the novel Push by Sapphire: First, let me congratulate Mo'Nique, Gabourey Sidibe, and Lee Daniels on their Golden Globe nominations. Now that I've done that,  I must confess, I laughed during Precious. I know the movie is not supposed to be funny but there were some scenes I couldn’t help but to laugh at. For example, when Precious asked her mother if she had AIDS, Mary said “no because we aint never done it in the _____.” I know it was the late 1980’s but the line was still funny because of its ignorance. I have to be honest about this also, the bootleg I watched the movie on was so bad, that I have to watch it in the movies. I know I should support my people but if anything they should support me, they have millions while I barely have a hundred. My favorite line in the movie: “he said shut your fat ____ up, and I shut my fat ___ up.”

2012: This movie was good but it was so long. It reminded me of Dreamgirls, the movie was good but it was so long that I started wondering when the movie was going to end. A filmmaker should never let their audience get bored. It was good and it was predictable in the sense that everyone lived happily ever after. I want to know how you can live happily ever after when the world is gone and there’s only a few arks worth of people left? Don’t see this movie if you, A.) have a short attention span, B.) plan to have dinner after it ends, C.) if you don’t want to be scared about the end of the world. It’s a good movie overall but don’t go unless you have 2 hours and thirty minutes to spend at the movies. If you fall into those categories, I suggest you wait until it comes out on DVD.

Law Abiding Citizen: I fell asleep during this movie, not once but twice. The first time was after eating at Tapas Teatro and the second time was for 15 minutes during a questionable date. Nevertheless, the movie was good. It is the type of movie that makes you think the entire time. The first question is: i"f he’s in jail, how is he killing all of these people?” I won’t answer that for you but I suggest you see the movie for yourself.

The Princess and the Frog: I just saw this on Saturday and it was good. It was different from other Disney movies, whereas the prince needed a princess to save him. Tiana is a very hardworking woman with a dream. She is not a Caricture of Black women but a real person who does not have a silver spoon in her mouth. I am really glad that the Shadow Man got what he deserved and I loved the ending. It was very unexpected.

Left Behind: I started watching this series on Thursday and have yet to see the third movie but this series is really good. Movie one started with the rapture where millions of people including all children dissapeared in without warning, causing the world to go into chaos. But one man, Nicholae Carpathia the secretary general of the UN is here to make peace. But is he really?

Left Behind: Tribulation Force: the world is in chaos and the tribulation force is on the move to let the world know that Nicholae is the anti christ. Besides that, the movie is really uneventful. The director missed crucial opportunities to have major events happened. It was okay but not great.


Jarvis Blacknell said...

Very nice Donna I have not seen any of those movies yet and I will suggest seeing them when I can thanks for the reviews